About IES
Innovative Environmental Solutions is a small consulting company that looks forward to helping you fulfill your projects specific environmental needs. We specialize in electric utilities as well as oil and gas pipelines but can accomodate any size project. We can provide environmental compliance monitors, biological and botanical surveyors, groundwater testing and soil scientists, threatened and endangered species specialists, environmental remediation scientists and more. Our teams have the knowledge and experience to ensure that your project meets the standards of the EPA, USFWS, as well as all state government agencies. We also understand the constraints put on our clients by FERC, NERC, Clean Air and Water Act, Eagle Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Threatened and Endangered Species Act, as well as many others. At IES we work to simplify and handle any environmental constraints your project may have, protecting Earth's natural resources and keeping you in compliance.


Biological Surveyors
IES can provide biological surveyors capable of surveying your sites for threatened or endangered flora and fauna

Construction Monitors
IES can provide environmental monitors to ensure your construction project stays in compliance with all related regulations

Full Time Positions
IES can provide environmental scientists to your company to work full time on all your environmental concerns

If you would like to contact us for potential work, or employment, we can be reached by filling out the form and clicking Send.
We hope to hear from you and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.